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Ellis Prairie, Trinity Co, Texas
Feb'y 19th 1867.


Reports that B.F. Harper Chief Justice of Trinity Co, hired a freedman named Nelson for 1866, Nelson to get ½ if all he produced upon the land he cultivated. Harper induced Nelson to believe he would make 25 bales of cotton; and Nelson made an agreement, giving Harper 10 Bales. Harper sold him articles at exorbitant prices. The crop was 13 bales leaving Nelson only 3 bales instead of 6½. At the same time Harper brings him out $180.00 at end of year in debt for articles advanced.

States that Nelson intimated he would complain to Bureau. When Harper told him if he did, he would kill him. Also states that is something is not done in this case, it will cause a great deal of harm owing to the position occupied by Harper.

Hd Qrs Bu. R. F. &c
State of Texas
Galveston April 22//67

Respectfully referred to J.S. Johnson Esq S.A. Comr at Sumpter Texas for his information and investigation.

By order of Brvt Maj. Gen. Griffin
J. T. Kirkman
1st Lt 26 U.S. Inf.
A. A. A. Genl