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Louisa Harpers testimony continued

Said she was no judge of cotton thinks there was maybe as much as 5 B/C wasted and destroyed by the oxen and cattle. Mr Harper told Nelson that he might have the use of the gin and mill until January, to put his cotton in, but he never got it until after every body else's was ginned. Some little of the cotton was damaged by being picked & put up while wet. Mr Nelson made boards and rails for all the cotton pens except what he borrowed from Mr Thornton. After we had moved to Mr Wyths Mr Harper came and told Nelson that he had just moved off and never said Master Frank I am going to move nor nothing else and now you must go right back and have a settlement and Nelson went back I suppose to settle. Mr Harper told Nelson that if he reported him he would never report another white man. Mr Harper was mad and I believe he was in earnest Nelson was afraid to stay at home at night for fear Mr Harper would kill him. Nelson did not get all the corn he was promised because Mr Harper would not let him have it and because of this Nelson had to go to the field for new corn while there was still old