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advised him to go home to picking out his cotton and try to save as much of it as possible. 
James H. Poston 
H. S. Johnson S.A.Cr.

Mr Spence, Sworn on oath says,

Late in the season, perhaps only a little while before Christmas, he went in to the field Nelson was then picking out in a part of the field never before picked over. The cotton was perfectly white, witness frequently saw Nelson at Wyths  drinking and carousing.  Nelson said he had bot Mr. Harpers part of the crop and thought he would make about 30 B/c had given Mr. Harper 12 B/c for his part.  Witness says that to day he, in conversation with Nelson told Nelson that if fifty dollars would satisfy him he himself would pay it, if Mr. Harper would not. This was in response to Nelson expressing that he had lost a mule in trading with Mr. Harper.  That is he was out a mule.  Witness went to Mr. Harper with this and in reply Mr. Harper said that he would give Nelson credit on his note or [[?]] for the 50.00 if he wanted it, but did not speak as though he thought he owed it.
H.S. Johnson, S.A.Cr.
D.A. Spence

R.M. Thornton Sworn on oath says He weighed the cotton made by Nelson the 13 B/c, averaged about 450.  Some weighed