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Please add, if not too late, to my report of Registers and Judges of Beat No 1. Sumpter Sumpter P.O. [[T? Y?]]. D. Wythe — Merchant and Farmer formerly a large Slave holder and throughout the War a reliable and concientious Union man.

I send you the Affidavit of Mrs P. Allen. It will explain itself, and the facts. Some of my friends, and all of hers, urge me to direct, and force the Sheriff to act. The authority invoked in this instance, and the right, and duty to act, are all on a par with the case of Capt McGinnis. And, notwithstanding I am directed to "See that all laws are fully, and impartially administered," and to "protect all persons in their civil rights," and "rights of person, and of property" I am not exactly prepared to do this thing, now asked for, without reference, first, to your office. If action, as desired, is properly within the scope of my powers — within the line of my duty. — I am not only willing, but anxious to act,

If your superior and better informed judgment dictate action in the direction desired please return the affidavit herewith sent and I will immediately communicate with the Sheriff.

I am Sir very respectfully &c
Your Obt Servt
H.S. Johnson
S.A. Com. Bu. R.F. &c