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Under the present organization of our Courts the administration of our laws and the feelings you generally prevailing through the Country Officers of the Bureau are indispensable. But it is to be hoped that we shall soon have better organized Courts of our own State and the objects to be accomplished through the Bureau may fully be done through our Courts of justice.
Apprentice System - If Courts having jurisdiction of apprentices under the laws of our State would carefully guard the interest of the Minor or if the Military authorities exorcising jurisdiction over apprentices were aware of the influences often brought to bear upon the minor and would give him proper protection the system might be stript of may objections  But it is frequently the case that the mere formalities of law are complied with but proper security not given  The ignorant and helpless minor bound to same person whose bond becomes worthless long before the minor term of service has expired (if not so from the beginning) the apprentice is finally turned out in the world without compensation education proper knowledge of any trade or even farming or moral training  I think some amendments to the System necessary
Removals from Office - I cannot see any good reason why a man should be continued in office under now Provisional Government of the State who (under the recent act of Congress usually called the Military Bill) is not eligible to office or even entitled to vote  It is well known that the issue in our last June elections and particularly between the Candidates for Governor was "in favor of or in opposition to the General Government and its measures generally" who does not know that our former Governor Pease who once discharged faithfully and