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This order seems to have the most soothing effect. Parties previously very bitter in their denunciation of the Government and of everything "U.S." say this is a good thing Even better than the Confederate States ever did. It seems to show that our government feels for the necessities of the poor, and is disposed to afford them some relief.

Please send me the necessary forms &c for drawing the proper quantity as indicated for "91" persons. The shipment might be made to Sebastopol on Trinity River: if made to Liberty its further transportation would be by waggons to Sumpter.

The people are becoming very quiet and submissive to the government. Secessionists are becoming fewer and farther between. It however, may seem so only because Union men for the first time in seven years, are allowed to speak their true sentiments

I fear some of my letters, on account of being prepaid by money and not by stamps, may have miscarried,

Very respectfully &c
Your obt Servt
H.S. Johnson
S. A. Cr. Bu. R.F. &c