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LB_ }
No 48. }

Office Sub Asst Commissioner
Bureau of RF&AL.
Sumpter Texas. July 21st 1867.

Lt J T Kirkman
AAA Genl.

Sir Lt
I beg to inform you that Sam Knight a desperado, and guilty of four Murders the last of which was that of a Union Soldier - one of five Sent to arrest him - is. or 3 days ago, was at old Mr E. P. Wingate's.- a relation of the Wingate's- some 25 miles west of this. I arranged to capture the Devil, but was foiled in the Execution of my plans. I did design the arrest at same time of Frank Wingate - about 5 ft 8 or 9 In. florid complexion. Blue eyes. freckled face, with red hair - but he also eluded my men  And in company with Sam Knight made his Escape. Frank is guilty of the Murder of two Freed Men. John Black Hawk in 1866 & Bill Mirchant in 1867. Sam Knight is about 5 ft 9 In Blak Hair & Blak Eyes. Dark complection. has the look of a Bandit, and is one. They are thought to have gone west. Please Advertise them in some effectual way.

I only await return of Capt Devine to arrest Entire Wingate family.

Very Respectfully &c
H S Johnson