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[[embossed seal]] VICTORY [[embossed seal]]

Thirdly; the Political Status of this people has changed almost daily since the 1st of June 1865. The first news of the surrender of the surrender of the Trans-Mississippi Department to General Canby by Genl E. Kirby Smith struck universal terror into the breasts of all those who had opposed the U.S. government and to excape with their lives & the lives of their families was about as much as any dared to expect or hope for. But so soon as the government began to grant favors, just so soon, these conquered rebels began to grow haughty & supercillious & [[strikethrough]] only [[/strikethrough]] by the time the [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] election was had for members of the legislation in 1866, they had become as arrogant and domineering as they were in 1861 & it was unsafe for loyal men in this county to publicly & openly express their views or opinions on the political condition of the country or the duties of its citizens; & even to this day, many feer to opening express their political sentiments, though it is not believed, that anything like bodily harm is to be apprehended from a full, free & frank declaration of their principals at this time, yet, insult in some special cases might and probably would be the consequences. Since the Military & Reconstruction Bills were passed by Congress, & the government has shown its determination to the reconstruct the country in its own way; & especially since the military have taken the Southern States