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Sour Lake,
July 10th" 1867

Lieut. J. T. Kirkman
A.A.G. B.,R.F&A.L. Tex

Judge Walace, will call to see you in a few days, he is a thorough National Republican (I call him Judge because he is an atty, and was Judge Advocate for a long time, where we got in the habit of calling him Judge: I suppose that he is too young to have ever surved on the bench) He is now Depty. U.S. Marshal, at Houston; he wants to make a tour through the interior, if he can get something to pay his expences. I think he would make a good Inspector, and a proper person to talk to the people on the way; I therefore recomended him to call on you. Kent and Baldwin know him well

I have the honor to be, Lieut,
Respy Your Obd't Servt.
C. B. Johnson