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War Department,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Washington, November 9th 1866.


I am directed by the Commissioner to instruct you, that as soon as any property within your jurisdiction, included in the provisions of Sec. 12, Act of July 16th 1866, continuing this Bureau, shall be no longer needed for the direct use of the Bureau, you will at once forward a specific recommendation for its sale. When sold, the proceeds will be carefully accounted for to Brt. Brig. Genl G. W. Balloch, Chf Disb. Officer, as "School Fund."

Very Respectfully
Your Ob'd't Servant
A. P. Ketchum
A.A.A. Genl.

Brt. Maj.-Gen A. J. B. Kiddoo
Asst Com'r
Galveston, Texas.

[[strikethrough]] Resp [[/strikethrough]] Official Copy Respectfully furnished Lt S.C Plummer
17th US Inf. AAQM & D.O. for his information.

Brvt Lt Col. USA.