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Courts set in to bind out and appoint guardians for minor freedmen not orphans I assert and can prove was for no other object than to continue slavery. - to that extent at least, The object was not less so in the case of Orphans, even where the Orphan was on the point of arriving at mans estate, I have some what interfered in the matter in all the surrounding counties, and will in a short time entirely eradicate any thing unfairly done. I say unfairly as the softest term I can use. I have yet to be made aware of one instance where the minors interest was taken into consideration. The novelty of my position, and the bitterness shown to this Bureau was and is so palpable I have not proceeded as fast as I otherwise would. The few better disposed hold the viscious slightly in check, but very slightly. There has been two freedmen killed lately some twenty five miles from here, but I have not the force necessary to enable me to enquire into the matter, I have had on file in my office for several days an affidavit accusing some eleven men of forcibly entering the premises of freedmen and searching the same on pretense of finding some school books from a school house, that also I have not the force necessary to justify me in enquiring into. I have been forced on act of press of business to employ another clerk, and will have to ask to be permitted to amend my estimates for