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practical business sense, and a correct knowledge of Law, all of which I do not pretend to have, but all of which are rarely found centered in one person.

That being admitted the general is slow to appoint and the districts are now too large, and for the reason above stated are likely to be. I ask to be permitted to establish two Head Quarters, each separate from the other, and each to have their separate sets of Clerks. I holding alternate weeks at each place. For the following reasons which I hold to be sufficient. The freedmen are poor, very poor, Ten or even five Dol's may be, and in most cases with them, their Widow's mite, to go the necessary distance to enable them to report their claim may be ruinous to them. They are without horses, and can poorly spare the time. I have had to send as high as Eighty Miles to put a man in possession of his wife. There is yet a vast amount of misery (Domestic affliction) yet to be relieved. I cannot possibly become aware of it only from the parties themselves. Distance will deter them, and the year may expire before one half of them may find redress, with the expiration of the year and the Bureau, why good bye to all hope of redress. With any management and my

Transcription Notes:
2.1.2023 - Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review