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L 12
Head Quarters.
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Sutherland Springs, Wilson County, Texas,
April 30, 1866

Causes adjudicated since last Report. 

No 6
James Trotter vs. Dr Leach
Claim for wages up to Christmas 1865
Liquidated at $50 00/100
No costs of suit charged

No 7
Jacob Russell & his wife Ann vs. Dr Thos. H. Batt
Claim by Ann Russell for wages up to end of 1865 
Liquidated at $36 00/100 and costs $3 00/100

No 10
Minus Francis vs. W.D. Scull
Claim for wages up to 1st September 1865
Liquidated at $62 50/100, & costs
Costs $6 50/100

No 17 
Aaron Karr vs. Thomas Neally
Claim for wages
Judgment for $37 50/100, & costs. - not yet liquidated

No 28
Sawney Braham & son vs. Geo. Frazer & estate of Donaldson & Frazer
Claim for wages up to Christmas 1865
Liquidated at $75 00/100 
No costs charged

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-30 22:36:23