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Head Quarters,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Seguin, Guadaloupe County, Texas
May 16th 1866

In answer to yours of the 10th instant herewith enclosed, I have the honor to state that this office has never attempted to charge for any act performed by it up to this present writing, nor did it charge

I also have the honor to answer I was well aware of the rigid prohibition against charging, and have fully complied with the spirit and policy shown by your ruling at Head Quarters

In explanation of the reading of the word "costs", I state that the amounts are sums in which parties were mulcted, or fined, for perseveringly annoying the office and all connected with it, in trying to evade answering, and without enforcing which I never could have succeeded in bringing parties up to answer complaints.

The records of this office are full and complete, and can at anytime explain and prove themselves  For your full and complete satisfaction I have caused to be inserted, in red ink, the amounts in each case   The charges were just and necessary to enforce obedience

Transcription Notes:
mulcted - extracted money from (someone) by fine or taxation.