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- and on the 28th I returned home, taking with me my prisoner, next day being Sunday. Had I known or suspected that Texas was not included in the proclamation of course I would not have wasted the time, or harassed my men in going backward and forward. I felt it incumbent on me to give the prisoner a trial before I moved my head quarters, and set the case for the 3rd inst. On the night of the fourth I slept here with my men and office records, - On the 5th a dispatch arrived calling in my detachment without their being releived - On the seventh they left here, I forwarding a requisition for another, and waited until the 11th to hear the result of it. In the mean time I was twice attacked by the chief justice, my office violently entered- and an assault and battery committed with the same, and one of my clerks abused. The few friends the government has here censured me for attempting to undertake to carry on the office without support, and insisted I should go to San Antonio and personally apply for a detachment. On the 11th I went up and was kindly furnished with twelve men who arrived here yesterday. Today- all is peace and harmony, apparently, and I am now in working order, but without a moment to spare, and with everything to start