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Galveston Sept. 22/66.

Maj. Gen. J. B. Kiddoo
Asst. Comr Bureau Freedmen ,&c.

In regard to the case of Fortune Jones, my employee reported to you Thursday I have further to state that on Friday morning I re-stated the case to Recorder, Jno. S. Jones, and asked a remittance of the fine, in view of the unjust imprisonment, which had been imposed on the negro, and was refused. I then asked the Judge, whether it was right for the Mayor to order the Negro to jail at 3 P.M. to lie over night in its filth, when the supposed offence was not denied and the witness was present, whereupon the Mayor arose & said (with some warmth) that he would answer that question himself; that he allowed no person to dictate his duties, and that he was alone responsible for the official acts, and said emphatically, that, he would imprison me, too, if found violating any City ordinance; when I answered jocosely that that was just what I was afraid of, and wished to avoid, but added, equally emphatically, that if he sent me to jail for such an offence, he wd [[would]] not send another. I then made formal complaint, at 9 A.M. 21st inst. against one Zall, the informer against Fortune Jones, that he had removed from the street in front of his lot upon his own lot the entire parapet of the fortification and that he had objected to the removal of that part in the cross street, because he desired to use it in filling up his side walk on that street. I made the necessary affidavit and designated the residence & place of business of the party to the Court, The Clerk and the Chief Marshall, and the warrant was at once made out by the Clerk under the order of the Judge. This morning I sent Dr. F.C. Easton to await the calling of Zalls case in the Recorder's Court, and at 9 A.M. he reported that the case had not been called, & that the Clerk had reposed to receive a list of Witnesses made out by me. I took the list to hand it in myself, & on the way met Henry Painter Depy Marshall, who remarked that I ought to have been in court, and that the case