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and not subject matter. I only do so now as subsidiary to the direct matter called. To mention the Vagrant or Labour Bill enacted by the last most ignoble legislature would be enough to catch any ones ear, much less one whose sympathies are so entirely enlisted in the cause of humanity as yours is known to be.

Long before my appointment under the Bureau, or my dismissal therefrom, I had acquired the confidence of the freedmen in every direction from the centre of the circle. The confidence so acquired has rather been increased than diminished by my dismissal, and the calls on me have not been less since than during my administration. The parties having freer access to me, and sure of advice if not of assistance.

The time of year - division of shares, together with the villianous construction put on the Vagrant and Labour bills has fairly stupefied a large majority of the freedmen in this section of country.

About the division of crops or balance of wages I carefully said nothing, not being able to assist them. My advice to them about the above mentioned Bills has been that they were enacted specifically to their prejudice with a view to their partial reenslavement - that their status and ultimate welfare depended on their contesting the bills at all times and all places to the very death - and under no circumstances to recognize the constitutionality of the same, that they could depend on me and my resources to the full extent of my ability, both intellectually and