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financially. Such and such has been my advice given after mature deliberation, and should I have erred, or given advice that is likely to conflict with that which may eminate from the Bureau I would like to know it and will be enabled to undo in th any probable trouble I may unwittingly have brought upon the unfortunate race. Theirs is a hard at last, and I care not to add to it.
My private advices from Washington and New York leads me to hope there is a new vitality given to the Bureau and its action, that it will be more vigourous and effective in the future. And God knows there is room and scope enough for it. None knows better than I what your trials and troubles have been. And I can immagine what the Bureau would be with a friendly Head. (The Legal Head) That it has not sunk lower is owing to the effects of a few of the junior officers amongst whom you are not the least conspicuous.
It is long since I staked my all on the success of the party now dominant in Congress. In doing so I asked nobody's consent, nor do I in remaining there.
Today I can carry the county (Wilson) on thee republican ticket, and as a piece of local news I give you the following. My successor in office (Chief Justice) found he was not qualified for it, and more so under the extended jurisdiction, and resigned. During District Court week I was brought out, and the signs of my success were so palpable the person alluded to withdrew his resignation