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(Ethibit "A")
(Copy of Deed)
The State of Texas
County of Bexar

Know all men by these presents that - Whereas on the tenth day of January A.D. 1863, the Common Council of the City of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas passed an ordinance, agreeing in the name of said City, to sell to the "Confederate States of America" for Manufacturing purposes, for the consideration of five thousand dollars, the tract of land hereinafter described, and instructing the Major of said City to convey said tract of land to the Confederate States. - Now therefore I, P.L Buquor, the Mayor of said City in obediance to said ordinance, and in the name and behalf of said City of San Antonio of San Antonio, in Consideration of the sum of five thousand dollars, to said city paid by the said Confederate States, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, before the signing sealing and delivering of these presents, have granted, bargained sold and released, and by these presents, do grant, sell convey and deliver unto the Confederate States and their assigns all that tract or parcel of land, lying and being in the city of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, and described as follows: viz, situated about two and over half miles from the main Plaza, North, and bounded bounded on the East by the San Antonio river, on the North and West by the upper labor ditch, and on the South