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A.D.1863. C.E.Jefferson
Notary Public, Bexar, Co
The State of Texas
County of Bexar At a meeting of the city council of San Antonio, held on the 10th day of January A.D.1863 the following preamble and ordinances were adopted, to wit: whereas the Confederate States Government is about to establish manufactories in Western Texas, and believing that such establishment would be the means of inaugurating a system of known manufactories, and whereas Major Washington, as agent of the Government, proposes to purchase of the City of San Antonio for said purpose, the tract of land now in litigation between said City and Pedro Flores, situated on the West side of the San Antonio river, between paid river and the upper labor ditch, and containing about seventy eight acres. Therefore Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of San Antonio: Section 1st"- That the City of San Antonio hereby agrees to sell and assign unto the Confederate States Government for manufacturing purpose, for the consideration of five thousand dollars, all the right title and interest of the city of San Antonio in and to said tract of land.
Sec. 2nd "- that the Mayor of said city is hereby authorized and instructed to convey said tract of land to the Confederate States Government."
J.C.E. Jefferson, Secretary of the City Council, of