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(Exhibit "B")

An Ordinance

Concerning payments made in Confederate Money or other worthless paper on account of the principal and interest due upon lands sold by the City of San Antonio to divers persons, declaring the instruments of writing purporting to be deeds from the city of San Antonio for said lands to be null and void, and allowing credits of accounts of said principal and interest, for the marked value of the accounts paid at the time of payments. 

Be it ordained by the city council of the city of San Antonio,

Section 1st That the City of San Antonio does not recognize the act or acts of any person or persons claiming to act so officers of said city from the first day of April, A.D. 1861, until the ninth day October 1865, in receiving in the name of said city the Bonds Treasury notes or Currency of the late Confederate Government, worthless paper purporting to be city scrip of said city issued during that time, in payment of principal and interest or either of them due to the said City upon lands sold by said city or in assuming to act in the name of said city, in signing or executing instruments of writing purporting to be releases or conveyances from said city for such lands; or receipts for such pretended payments, and that all such pretended releases, conveyances and receipts are hereby declared to be null and void.

Sec 2nd. That to avoid any seeming injustice to those persons who have acted innocently and in good faith in making any such payments since the 1st day of April A.D. 1861; All such persons as have paid to any person or persons acting as officers of said City, any such Bonds, Treasury Notes currency or scrip on account of principal and interest, on either, due