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[[embossed stamp]] illegible [[embossed stamp]]

Another reason why I ask at your hands the appointment for Smith County is, that during the time I acted as agent of the Bureau, Six hundred and Eighty-two Labor Contracts were filed by me in the office of Capt Thomas Calahan Sub Asst. Comr in the Town of Shreveport La, which Contracts were made out in triplicate; a copy of Each, I have in my possession, and I know that in hundreds of instances the Freedmen have been swindled out of their labor; besides serious cases (Criminal) have occurred; in which cases at at great risk of my life I presented the facts to the Grand Jury at Tyler, who refused absolutely to act on the same. When I applied for aid to Head Qrs of the Eastern District for this State, I was notified that the Troops were on the Eve of being Mustered out, and it was impossible to give me the assistance required- Another reason, I am aquainted with the parties who have acted in bad faith with the Freedmen, and notified them months ago, that the time would come, when I would demand Justice, for the Freedmen, and that demand would be complied with, by the U.S. Authorities

An Early reply to the above is most respectfully Solicited by
Your Most Obt; Sert;
B.R. Lignoski

Transcription Notes:
"acquainted" is spelled incorrectly in the original as "aquainted" In the third line, I changed "Two hundred" to "Six hundred"