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Victoria, Texas, April 15th, 1867.

Col. Wm. H. Sinclair. 
Asst Com'r. B. of R.F. & A.L. 
Galveston, Texas.

Lieut. P. Stevens. 35," Inf U.S.A. leaves this Post. tomorrow morning, for Hallettsville, Tex. in compliance with Orders, from Head Qur's Galveston. He has turned over to me all papers & contracts belonging to the Sub. Ass't office to await your pleasure what to do with them. I am still acting as Qr. Mr. Agent. here, but this will soon be discontinued. I therefore have the honor to apply for the position as Agent of the Bureau at this Post. If you can do anything for me, please notify me at once. I have a very limited acquaintance with Mr. Allen, Sup't. of Schools, also know Lieut. Metzner, but you yourself know me as formerly Major 5th, Ind. V.V. Inf. & Judge Advocate 2nd Brig. 2nd Div. 4th A.C. I shall anxiously await your reply. 
I am, 
Very respfly, 
Your most ob't servant, 
Timothy H Leeds. 
Q.M. Agent.