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Brazoria, June 27th, 1867

In the case of Adelaide Spencer against Mr. C.C. Millican I should have sent you Mr M's statement sooner, but for the reason that after leaving Galveston I was detained in Houston over a week and on my reaching home I found Mr M who prepared his statement, which he sends to the Agent at Columbia, who will probably forward to you. 

But as I proposed I send you a copy of the statement. I believe his statement is correct & that any one in this neighborhood, where Mr M. has resided for many years will corroborate it. 

From our conversation I am satisfied you only wish to do justice. I would therefore ask that you give a careful perusal of Mr. Millican's statement, but test the facts therein by such other evidence as you may obtain. And I am satisfied you will do M. justice. 

I would take it as a favor if you would let me know you determination at as early a day as possible-

A.S. Lathrop
Agent Freedmans Bureau