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Your several O.B. communications of 17" 23" & 24" January have been received. You seem to think that it is gross neglect on my part that my papers are incorrect. You are mistaken. No Man trys more than I do. No Man has more pride in his position, and a desire that all things eminating from his office shall be a little better than any one els than I am. I cannot perform impossibilities.

I notice that a reflection is implied in your communication of 23". (LB 347). I also notice that in yours of 24" (LB 352) that my account with Baldwin & Co is disallowed - Permit me to explain both. When in Galveston on Nov 2" I made a verbal application to Lieut Plummer (AAQM & DO) for permission to purchase or have made A Desk, Six Chairs, A Set of Pigeon Holes, Store &c. He referred me to Genl Kiddoo Asst Commr. I made the same application to the General, he replied, "put it writing, I leave for Washington with Kent tomorrow & I'll leave word with Col Ellis (A.A.A. Genl) to approve your requisition. I think that Col'n Sinclair was present at this conversation.

When I was first assigned to duty