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M 254

Office Sub-Assistant Commissioner,
Liberty, Feby 22d 1867.

Lt Chas Garretson
17" U.S. Infty.
Bu R.F. & A.L.

I have the honor to transmit herewith the "Quadruplicates" of Contracts for which I have received fees for "Approving Contracts", [Bu Hd Qrs G.O. No 1, January 1" 1867.], for the months of January and February 1867.

I most respectfully offer the following explanation for the delay in forwarding the funds & "Quadruplicates" for January. Many of the Planters of this District did not have the required number of Freedmen to cultivate their land, and requested me to hold their Contracts open till the last of February that they might be able to add on the names of those whom they contracted with after the date of approval of Contract.

Very Respectfully
Yr Obt Sert 
A.H. Mayer
Sub Asst Commr