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years as may be hereafter agreed upon, sufficient ground without charge. In a healthy locality in the County Town of Centerville Leon County of [[strikethrough]] of Leon [[/strikethrough]] Texas, to erect, two buildings thereon for educational purposes for the Freedmen and their children during the day, and the buildings to be used on the Sabbath for religious services. That as the ten hour system of labor per day, has been adopted, in most cases; an hour or two in the evening might be devoted to the mental culture of the Freedmen, women and children. The building at the charge of the Bureau Dept.

To carry this system of education for the freedman & their families, into full force and effect, with happy results, It will require the protection of the Department of the Bureau, Through the Asst Comr & their sub agents in the localities, where the educational buildings should be erected, and mostly needed.

Hence, It will be necessary that some suitable persons of reputable and moral character, should be appointed by the Commissioner of the Bureau, through the Assts in those Southern States, wherein such Departments are established. And that such persons so appointed, as superintendents should be empowered by the Bureau Department, to examine and appoint such suitable persons, that may desire to engage their services, as teachers and moral preceptors to the colord freedmen and their children.

Mrs Mary F. Mortimer, being a native of Milford State of Delaware and a resident of Texas twenty eight years and a female, that received a liberal education, a consistent member in good standing, since fourteen years of age