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Office, Sub. Asst. Com. B.R.F. & A.L.
Tyler Texas April 25th 1867.

Lieut J.T. Kirkman
A.A.A. Genl. B.R.F & A.L.
State of Texas, Galveston Texas.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication dated April 16th 1867 enclosing a copy of "circular letter dated March 7th 1867, from your Hd. Qrs. and reminding me that my report has not yet been received.

I have no satisfactory evidence that any murders maimings arsons or other Felonies have been committed in my District since the 31st day of December 1866, and have only delayed reporting on that subject until I had made the proper inquiries which involves considerable time in a District of five counties with no organized facilities for aquiring the information asked for.

I have heard some reports about murders and assaults of various character of aggravation having been commited and am engaged in investigating them as rapidly as surrounding circumstances will admit - but as yet have