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Office of Sub Asst Comr Bu. R.F. & A.L.
20' Sub Dist. State of Texas
Millican, May 31. 1867.

Lieut. J.T. Kirkman 26' U.S. Inf.
A.A.A. Gen. Bu. R.F. & A.L. State of Texas

It is my painful duty, to report the perpetration of one of the most brutal murders, that has ever been committed. Mr. "Charles Lyons." a merchant taylor at this place - a Union man, who served during the war, in the U.S. Navy - was shot at 4 P.M. today 5 times, and killed instantly by one "Blair" in this town. The assassin escaped, 2 Officers are in pursuit, who will return, no doubt, without him. The following is a correct statement of the murder, Mr. Lyons, was a friend of the freed people, and was on intimate terms with several of them. A few days ago, he accused a collored boy in his employ of stealing money from him, but as there was not sufficient proof, I released the boy; this very much exasperated Mr. Lyons, and he told me, that,
