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Huntsville Walker County Texas
June 16th 1867

Brevet Major General Griffin
Commanding Dept of Texas
Galveston Texas

I would respectfully make known to you the state of affairs as it exists in this town. My profession here is that of a Photographer and I am at present partner with one S.C Mendell who is reported to use a Huntsville phrase a damned radical Yankee and simply because the above named and myself are supposed to be Unionists and good law abiding persons we have been daily insulted our sign torn down until finally on last Saturday it culminated, and an attempt was made to raise a mob with those citizens who are known or supposed to be Unionists. We were insulted by an armed crowd being termed God damned Yankee sons of bitches by the secessionists [[strikethrough]] by two [[/strikethrough]] the chief two of which was one Walter Keenan and Jeff Birdwell the son of the Mayor of the town who is a most notorious hypocrite, and some 8 or 10 others were ready to assist in murdering us. Pistols were drawn on us, and that too in the hearing and under the eyes and nose of the Mayor and City Marshall who did not take any steps whatever to quell, arrest, quiet or fine them, as they are all traitors of the same stamp. After the occurrence of the above I visited the Union men and requested them to unite with me in this petition, but they are