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of violence from reporting to me, & I have no means of sending out to find the truth or falsity of the rumors. 

If troops are ordered here, three or four should be Mounted, as it is impossible to hire horses here, and the good effect of their presence will not be felt if they cannot have the means of going to any part of this District at a moments notice.

I would further state that a vacancy has occurred in the board of Magistrates in this County by the death of J. Wash. Lacour. if it meets with your approbation and approval, I intend assuming the position, so far as hearing & deciding cases appertaining to freedman, leaving the State law out of the question. So far as taking bond to appear before the District Court, with the exception of Capital Cases - making the decision final, & the penalty in all cases to be a fine. all fines to accrue to the benefit of the Bureau - 

Hoping my requests may meet with your

Transcription Notes:
removed hard line feeds and completed transcribing page