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M 413

Limestone County, June 1867

To Gen C.H. Griffin, Commanding the State of Texas

Dear Sir.  We the undersigned Loyal men of Limestone County, learning that certain individuals (living in the District which Maj A.F. Manning as agt of the Bureau of R.F. & A.L. has charge of) have made certain statements derogatory to the character and deportment of the Major, individually & officialy, feeling it a duty incumbent on us, as loyal men {not loyal from mere lip service} to give you a proper statement of the true condition of things hereby state from our knowledge and observation That the hue and cry raised against him by his enemies to wit, the disciples of now meek & lowly King Jeff the 1st, has been gotten up to secure his removal for Political purposes in other words they know that he dares to do his duty without fear, favor, or affection and that while he is here, they cannot have an officer who will wink at their trickery and assist them to control the colored voter at the next election to suit their purposes.
