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trial the jury assessed a fine against me of one hundred dollars. I should also have stated that Adelaide brought a civil suit against me for damages for the whipping and that before the trial of the criminal actions she dismissed said suit for what reason I do not know, but there was no pretext that she could not get justice before the Courts of the county. She ought certainly to have been able to have done so, for she has rich and influential friends who are doing all they can to annoy and injure me, and who had employed some of the ablest counsel in the state to assist her. 

I would also state that this affair has already cost me near one thousand dollars, including fine, costs of court, lawyers fees, and traveling expenses besides great anxiety and uneasiness which I think sufficient for an offence committed under the circumstances and which is a large amount of money for a man of my means. To show that I am a man of limited means I would state that all the property I own, except in the notes and accounts, is a small piece of ground purchased by me recently, and situated near the city of Galveston and which was paid for principally with the separate means of my wife