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San Antonio Texas
July 8th 1867
Dear Griffin-
I do not like to write to you privately about official matters, but I suppose that in the ordinary routine, very many matters do not come before you. Therefore I desire that you should know exactly what I want in this case. I have on this occasion recommended the removal of Mr. Whiting a school teacher at this point. Had I not referred the case to your Hd Qrs - I would dismiss him at once - He is not a good man - is very unpopular with the Freedmen has not a friend in town - and I do not think many anywhere - I believe the school would do infinitely better without him - I learn so many little mean tricky things about him that I cannot consistently recommend his retention here - I have not the slightest personal feeling in the matter because he in no way comes in contact with me - but he abuses Maj Whitmere to the blacks - He also boasts that he has as much or more influence at District Head Quarters and that I cannot interfere