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to stoop to any subterfuge, even to swearing falsely, with a very few exceptions these people are lost to all honor, they cannot be trusted in any way. If they can beat the "damn'd Bureau, or the damn'd niggers", that is a feather in their cap.

"When you need a detachment of troops for temporary duty make application to the Post Commander at Houston."

I have on file complaint upon complaint "Personal Violence", "Driven Off", Money oweing & not paid, &c &c." A temporary guard will not do, these people must be given to understand, & feel it understandingly, that the negro is free, as free as they are, and that the orders from Hd Qrts. must & shall be obeyed. The only way to accomplish this is to station a sufficient guard here for one or two months.

"Arrest & fine Planters discharging the freed people employed by them, [whose contracts are still in force] from One hundred to five hundred dollars."

Enclosed I have the honor to forward my "S.O. No 13, par I. to Dr J. Orville Shelby", also Affidavit of Thomas Anderson