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Galveston, not to have his contracts approved. By the Sub Asst. Comm'r at this Post. Endeavoring to make the freedmen believe that he held a superior position in the Bureau to affiant.

Affiant further states that the said Shelby has frequently met him (affiant) on the streets and has stated "that I am coming down to your offices in a day or two to have my contracts approved." which he the said Shelby never did do.

Affiant further says that said Shelby never was in affiants office. 

Affiant further says that said Shelby, declared to one Thomas Anderson, freedman, that he Shelby had been to affiants office three times to settle said Thomas Anderson's  & wife's claim, which said statement made by the said Shelby to the said Thomas Anderson, affiant states to be untrue in every particular.

Affiant further says that the said Shelby sent a certain man by the name of Sykes, to affiants office to settle the accounts of Thomas & Louisa Anderson, but upon no occasion did the said Sykes bring with him the said Thomas & Louisa Anderson, he Sykes stating that he "did not think it was necessary to have the