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State of Texas 
County of Liberty

Personally appeared before me this 29th day of July 1867 at Liberty, Liberty County Texas, Thomas Anderson [Freedman] who being duly sworn deposes and says.

That he presented the papers given to him by Major Mayer S.A. Com'r Hd. Qrts. S.A. Comm's Bu. R.F. & A.L. State of Texas, Liberty, Liberty Co July 29th 1867 [[strikethrough]] the origin [[/strikethrough]] Special Order No 13. "Extract I.] [Original herewith enclosed] to Dr. J. Orville Shelby, who read the same and made answer "take this letter to Major Mayer & tell him to stick it in his gizzard. God damn him.  I've been there three times to settle with him, & he would not settle."

Thomas Anderson his X mark

Sworn & subscribed to before me this 29th day of July 1867, at Liberty Texas.
A.H. Mayer
S.A. Comm's