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Millican, Brazos Co. Texas
June 23d 1867

Bvt. Maj. General L. Thomas. 
Adjt. General U.S. Army
Washington D.C.

I have the honor to forward herewith my application for an appointment in the Regular Army - Vet. Res. Corps.-

I entered the Volunteer Service in May 1861 as Private in the 38' Regt. N.Y. Vol. and was promoted through all grades to Captain. I have participated in the battle of Bull Run, Williamsburgh, and Fredricksburg. I lost my left arm in the battle of Williamsburg, and was wounded in the breast by a shell in the battle of Fredricksburg.

I entered the Vet. Res. Corps. in Oct. 1864 as Capt. of the 149 Co. 2d Batt. and was stationed at Knight Gen. Hospital, New Haven Conn. In Dec. 1864 I was transferred to Co. "C". 15'. Regt. V.R.C. and stationed