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at Camp Douglas Ill.  In June 1865. I was transferred to Cairo Ill.  were I remained till Dec. 1865. When my Camp was mustered out, and I was ordered to my home.  

In March 1866 I was ordered to report to Gen. O.O. Howard for duty in the Bureau R.F.&A.L. and was assigned to duty as Sub Asst. Comr. at Victoria, Texas, were I remained till Feb. 2. 1867. when I was transferred to Millican, Tex. by Order of Gen. Griffin, where I am stationed now.

Having been a soldier since 1857, I served 2 enlistments in the U.S. Marine Corps.  I am anxious to remain the Service, and respectfully request an appointment in one of the new Regiments V.R. Corps.

I am General
Very Respectfully
your obedient servant
Edwd. Miller
Captain V.R. Corps

(3 enclosures)