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truth for the assertion "that an attempt was made by a mob of citizens to recover them". This assertion is simply without foundation and false. I also notified and respectfully requested Maj Manning to lay before me any evidence which he might have in his possession concerning the murder of the Freedman referred to by him in his letter to Genl Kiddoo.
I have no doubt of the fact that a Freedman was murdered in cold blood in this county during the session of the District Court last fall, and as soon as the fact that a murder had been committed had been brought to my knowledge, I procured from Judge Harrison a warrant of arrest for the murderer. I understood from some source that a person who was suspected of the murder was at the Col Evan's house about ten miles from Waco. I immediately went in person to Col Evan's Head Quarters when I found Col Evans and Maj Manning and in the presence and hearing of Maj Manning I requested Col Evans to furnish me a detail of soldiers to send and arrest the party. The soldiers were furnished and placed under the charge of the Deputy Sheriff who made diligent search for the party but failed to find him. A few days after this I was notified by Col Evans by note, that the party who was suspected of the murder had been seen by a Freedman at the grocery of G. M.