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The State of Texas 
McLennan County 

In Chambers, before Judge Thos. Harrison of 11th Dist.
Jany 21st 1867.
Be it remembered that on 21st day of January 1867, on the application of John S. Bell, for a writ of Habeas Corpus, the following proceedings were had, to wit:
[[left margin]] Petition [[/left margin]] 
The State of Texas 
McLennan County
Jany 21st 1867
In Chambers 
To the Hon Thomas Harrison, Judge of the 11th Judicial District:
Your Petitioner John G Bell, a citizen of the County of Bosque, and state of Texas, comes and complains of A F Manning, now of McLennan County, in the city of Waco, for this, that the said A F Manning by virtue of some pretended authority unknown to your petitioner, did by force of arms arrest and take into custody to-day your petitioner, and does now illegally restrain your petitioner of his liberty without any legal warrant or process, so far as your petitioner knows; he therefore prays for your [[strikethrough]] most [[/strikethrough]] Honors most gracious writ of Habeas Corpus, commanding the said A. F. Manning to bring the body of your petitioner before your Honor that the matter of said illegal detention may be enquired into, and as in duty bound will ever pray, &c.
John G Bell

[[left margin]] Attest [[/left margin]]
Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 21st Jany 1867.
John C. West,