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permitted the law will be faithfully administered. I have also advised Judge Harrison, to institute enquiries concerning the murder of the freedman, by Cogwell, and if it is as represented, to have proper complaint and charges of the offence made and forwarded to me, with description of his person, and I will offer a reward for his apprehension.

I trust, if not already done, that you will direct complaint to be filed before the civil authorities in these cases, with instructions to turn them over upon demand by sheriff with proper warrants for their arrest, &c.

And I most respectfully suggest that when complaint is made to one of your agents of abuses upon freedmen, that you direct them at once to have such parties go before a magistrate and make oath to the charges, who will then issue warrants of arrests, and bring them to trial. Such proceedings will give the civil authorities an opportunity to discharge their duties. Then, if they fail, every reason will exist why arrests should be made and parties tried under federal laws.

I am, Sir, 
Very Respectfully
Your ob't Sv't
JW Throckmorton
Gov of Texas