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mentioned to you, that I had reported Lt. Garretson to the Genl from the fact, that, I made my report within two hours after my arrival in the City, before I had seen or spoken to you,
The Report made by me to Genl Griffin thro' Lr J.T.Kirkman A.A.A.Genl. was founded upon statements made in my office in this town, and received under the following circumstances, I was informed that a Gentleman (from Galveston,) had stated to some friends (publicly) that, "the officer of the Bureau who had charge of the money was raising Hell &c with it at Chapmen & Duffields Gambling House in Galveston" I believed the statement false & gotten up to injure the Bureau & its officers - under my Official Authority I ordered the party [[Strikethrough]]before me[[/Strikethrough]] to report to me at my Office, [intending to make him give a denial in Writing] upon my questioning him, he gave me [verbatim) the statement I submitted to the General as also the names of the witnesses with the exception of yours, He desired that his name should not mentioned as it would injure him with his friends if it was known he frequented gambling Houses, at the same time represented that