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F and AL, at Sumpter, that Said Johnson refered her to Capt Smith at Nacogdoches and that Capt Smith sent one Ferguson over to Homer to try the case, and that Ferguson was not willing to give Deponant any trial and would not listen to any testimony at all But simply gave deponant a line to Mrs. Nancey Holbert now Nancey Cupp to pay Deponent thrity Dollars, which was not enough and was an outrage upon the rights and claim of Deponant.
Wherefore Deponent complains and charges that she should have pay for the whole year as she was illegally and wrongfully imprisoned by the said Nancey and lost the whole year that she worked four months at 16# pr month would be 64$.  and that the 3 suits of clothes was worth 45$ and that the 9 months she was imprisoned She should be paid for as the imprisonment was illegal and malicious and only for the purpose of getting rid of the original contract.  And that the nine months at 16$ for month would be 144$ added to the 109$ would make 253$ and the attorney 50$ makes 303$  Hence She is unwilling to take from Mr Smith 30$ in payment and appeals to Head Quarters for justice and Respectfully Prays that her case may be investigated and she receive justice.
Emily her x mark Massey
Sworn and Subscribed to before me this 23d day of Oct 1867.
Sam Rich J.P.T.C.