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110      APPENDIX.
Ninth. No member shall absent himself from the board, when in session, without first having obtained leave from the mayor.
Tenth. A motion shall not be debated until after the same shall have been seconded.
Eleventh. A resolution shall not be received by the board unless it be in writing, and signed by the party offering the same.
Twelfth. The regular meetings of the board shall be on the first and third Monday´s of each and every month.
Section 1. The public schools of San Antonio have for their object the laying a sound foundation of knowledge;
to bidn together, and assimilute, the youth of our growing population by the strong ties of early fellowship.
Section 2. The different branches of teaching are, spelling, reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, and history.
Section 3. The tenets of the different religious sects shall be strictly excluded from our schools of public instruction; and any teacher who, in violation of this prohibition, shall introduce dogmas, shall be instantly dismissed.
Section 4. There shall be four public schools, two male, and two female, with one teacher for each department; one male and one female school to be on