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has always been known I suppose to every body in this Country though dureing the Rebellion exceedingly unpopular I apprehend no fears of being misrepresented probably none so base as to attempt it now but I owe a duty to some of my Union friends who stood by me in time of trouble

There is one inquiry I would like to make It is a matter which is giveing some trouble in our impoverished Country It is wheather Claims of Freedmen allowed and adjudged by the Bureau Agent or fines can be discharged in Greenbacks We know the law of Congress and the descisions of the Courts as to legal tender is there any thing to take such case as above mentioned out of the law and descisions or do they apply as in other cases This is a matter of considerable importance to many I am not aware of any descision outside the Courts that I think settles the question If you have given any opinion on the question I am not aware of it I would like to know

I have the honor to be
your Obt Servt
Z Norton

Transcription Notes:
Alternate/incorrect spellings transcribed as appear in document