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Office Sub Asst Commissioner
Bureau R.F and A.L.
Austin Travis Co. Texas
March 25th 1867

Lieut J.T. Kirkman

Referring to your communication of the 5th instant enclosing Col. Sinclair's Report of his inspection of the State Penitentiary at Huntsville and to my communication of the 15th instant, I have the honor to transmit herewith a Communication from his Excellency J.W. Throckmorton, Governor of the State of Texas, giving his views and proposed action relative to the Report of Col Sinclair and convicts in the Penitentiary at Huntsville. 
It is but proper to state that during my personal interview with the Governor I handed to him your letter to me of the 5th Instant to read, that he might for himself judge of your wishes in the matter   The Reports of Col Sinclair and Genl Swayne were left with him and returned to me yesterday with his Report. The original of Col Sinclair's Report being doubtless in your office I have retained the Copy here.
Very respectfully
James Oakes
Col 6th Cavly
Bvt Brig Gen U.S.A.
Sub Asst Commissioner.