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Court Martial now in session; teamsters & Laborers, hauling & handling supplies for the upper Posts &c &c, make this work very hard upon the few for duty, giving each man two & three horses to care for besides his own. But for this state of the Command here, I would suggest the propriety of sending a party from this place to Belton.

James Oakes 
Col 6th Cav. Bvt Brig Genl USA Commanding

E.M.B. Vol 2. P-68-D. of T. 67.

Hd Qrs Dist. of Texas 
Galveston. Texas.
June 10. 1867

Respectfully referred to 1st Lt. J.T. Kirkman 26" U.S. Infy. A.A.A.G Bu.
R.F. & A.L. Galveston.

Can you appoint an agent of your Bureau for this point? It is urgently demanded and a guard can be sent with him, which will protect the freedmen and loyal whites, besides invaluable aid to the work of reconstruction. 

It is impossible at present, to furnish a military force, as the within application contemplates.

A.H.M. Taylor
2d Lt 17 Infy