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Yank are afraid to say anything to them about it, I intend to kill everyone that gives me any sas and theirfour I advise all to be redy and shoot and hang the first one that gives any sas. If I thought that the negroes would be put on our lands, I would lay in the bushes the rest of my days and do nothing but kill Negroes not changing my subject at all but I wish it would stop raining, we have had rain for 11 days and it looks like raining this evening _ as I am in a hurry I cant rite any more at the present. Mother joins me in sending her love to your parents and sisters Laura sends her love to the girls and your Ma & Pa the family are all well at the present and enjoying good health _ now rite as soon as you get my letter and give me all of the news, so my respects to you and all of the family.
Remaining your friend
(Signed) Robert Pace /W/D/