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counties in Texas.  The favourite idea of the Negroes here is for them to get together in settlement, buy land of their own, have their own Blacksmith, carpenters &c even their own traders.  They do not realize that in such case their negro settlement would be surrounded by bitter and active enemies. The news of the New Hampshire election is received with some gloom by the secessionists (Union Conservatives they call themselves now) I do not blame them for this - When a person has completely spoiled one pair of breeches, common decency requires that he should procure another pair - 

The Union party North are asleep in one thing - Why do they not set up good union newspapers through the south; they would soon, if ably conducted; be self sustaining - The secessionists, the scamps have got almost all the local papers in their own hands. Indianola and Corpus Christy should have Union papers

I remain
Wm Prissick